
Smart Neighborhood Platform
Devices are getting increasingly interconnected via the internet, so do various services. This development consequently gains more and more importance in the conceptualization of urban living quarters and neighborhoods.

In a smart neighbourhood, residents may, for example, inspect their current wattage and thus optimize their energy consumption at any time, pass on damage reports via the digital maintenance supervisor service and check which charging station is currently available for their electric car, all at one single glance at their mobile device. From electronic locks that open automatically upon approach, to communication between tenants or booking the parcel and laundry service via your „smart neighbourhood“-app - with our platform inQup, individual concepts can be realized to suit every living quarter or residence.

With inQup, you could establish the interaction of digital and analogue processes. Take this for example: If residents register for the neighbourhood festival both digitally and analogously, the "process engine" associates all registrations to an overall process.

The platform inQup from Navimatix makes your living project smart, future-oriented and enticing for every resident.

These applications could really lighten up your day-to-day life

Click here for our explaining Video.

By expanding the smood portfolio by smart services, we are creating innovative and efficient neighbourhoods. In the open, modular system of inQup, additional services can be implemented at any time to increase comfort and safety in living environments. Additional to technical feasibility, it is important to increase the user-acceptancy of the technology used. We are confident this can be achieved through reliable functionality, ease of use and the protection of all data.

Energy Management System

Conserve resources and save energy! Thanks to inQup, this becomes much easier and it is made possible that the charging requirements of the e-cars are smartly adapted to the needs of the user and also the availability in the power grid is taken into account. Renewable energies such as solar power and wind power are given preference, and the price of electricity and demand are taken into account when feeding it into the grid or optimizing storage. In the future, your home will think for itself and automatically adjust indoor temperatures. You have opened the windows and forgot to turn off the heating? No problem! The system switches off the heating immediately. Protecting the environment and saving money, that's what inQup stands for, that's what we stand for.

Take the next step
to smart living!

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